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Vote For Your Favorite "Want To Ditch" Bikini Photos


Going on Vacation!! - My hubby and I just celebrated our 10th Anniversary and he promised me a trip to Hawaii if I lose the big bottoms and upgrade to a TeenyB!!! Please help me soak up the sun.


Help get me a TeenyB! - I feel like a baby in this diaper, please help me get a TeenyB, my butt needs it!


DIAPERS ARE FOR BABIES!!! - Help! Diapers are for babies NOT ladies!!!!! Get me a TennyB Bikini asap or this photo could mistakenly end up on a Huggies commercial....


Droopy Drawers - I have the tiniest bum with DD boobs.. I need a Teeny B to help bring out my little booty and go nicely with my melons! Teeny B would save all the stress and search for me! Help!!!


Ditch the diaper - How's a in-training bikini competitor supposed to feel confident in a diaper suit like this? Let me ditch the diaper and get into a TeenyB Bikini!


Can't Compete in a Diaper! - Help me ditch the diaper! I'll be competing at the NPC Brooklyn in October. My bum deserves better! Booties look best in TeenyB! If I win a TeenyB, I'll feel like a winner on stage


Bikini Blues - I can never find the right fit with bikini bottoms. the pool water gives me a saggy bum, but a lovely TeenyB will solve my diaper dilemma


Ditch the Diaper baby Mama!! - My twin sons are about to ditch their diapers ...Help me ditch the diaper!!! Vote for me and this sad excuse for a bikini bottom!!


Yuck Yuck Diaper Butt - I wrote the message up on the computer then used a projector to get it on my back! Diaper butt must go!


I Want To Ditch The Diaper - I can never find bottoms that fit me right! With my petite figure everything seems to sag on me! Help me ditch my diaper!

Ought To B In A TeenyB

Should Be In A TeenyB - Help me I am a sexy single mother. Who just found out what a loaded diaper means both for my baby girl and myself. Help get this Diaper off My Cute Butt and into a TeenyB.


Last Diaper Left - Help me find one that doesn't look like it's trying to morph into an accordion on my butt. Then he'll let me keep it for sure. Please and thank you. ;)


Help me ditch the diaper - It looks like I'm smuggling sand every time I wear my bikini to the beach.


TeenyB Help Me - Help! I can never find a bikini bottom that fits my butt right. I need a TeenyB makeover so I can hit the beach in confidence knowing I look good!


Saggy Bikini Be Gone - I had no idea my bikini sagged that much until I took this picture. Yikes! I’m scared to go to the beach in this thing again. I need a TeenyB bikini to show off!


My Droopy Bikini Needs To Go - Look at this picture! It’s terrible! If this isn’t a good case for a new TeenyB bikini, I don’t know what is! Help me win one… pretty please???


Big Bikini Bottom Help - I like my bikini bottom but it doesn’t like me too much! I need something that really fits me. All the bikinis I try are too big! I need a TeenyB bikini!!


Wedgie Needs To Go - Pick me! I need a new bikini bottom in the worst way. I own several of them, and they all fit me the exact same which is not at all! Help me win a TeenyB!